August is a very hot month in the Midwest, and in past years has been very dry. This year is no exception. My exhibit at the City Hall Atrium in Bloomington, Indiana, is designed to quench the viewer's thirst. Entitled "Force of Nature...Wellspring of Life," the show has fourteen of my prints that have something to do with water. Some celebrate the beautiful calming aspects of water, while others consider its carving, sculpting force. Still others show how our agricultural practices are shaped by water's availability or scarcity. My latest print, Day's End on the Ontario Shield, highlights the intricate patterns created by the freezing and thawing of glacial waters over the millenium.
Elizabeth Busey, Day's End on the Ontario Shield, Linoleum Reduction Print, 2011.
City Hall in Bloomington is located in the former Showers Furniture Factory. Artwork is hung on a grand staircase wall the color of deep eggplant. People who came to the opening said they liked the quiet, contemplative space -- so different from the noisy parking lot outside where Bloomington's Saturday Farmer's Market takes place. In the picture below, you can just see a corner of the cage where adoptable kittens play hilariously.
Exhibit on the staircase in Bloomington's City Hall Atrium.
So if you are in Bloomington, plan to stop by the Showers Buildings City Hall Atrium and get a cool drink of water, if only for the eyes. The show continues for the entire month of August. If you like really good corn, make sure to get in that very long line outside.